Triad Oath Freestyle Scooter Triad Oath Racketeer 2019
Triad Scooter Completes Racketeer 2019
The Racketeer is our mid-range masterpiece. Stock fitted with Oath After-Market grips, clamp, fork and wheels, truly falling into a category of its own. We jacked up the Racketeer by adding Launder Chromoly bars to add strength for the rider that needs extra support under their hands or simply likes the deck to whip around faster. The Bermuda grips and wheels are the perfect combination allowing the rider to do more than ever. The shape at the back of the deck is boxed to broaden the trick variety and increases safety.
This scooter is perfect for any rider who lands a little more heavy than the next or wants a high performance trick scooter.
2 - Variation - Color | Neochrome / Black or Black/Raw/Pastel Teal |
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